Course Description:
This course provides an in-depth assessment of complex vestibular diagnoses and clinical presentations including comprehensive examinations, interventions, and potential outcomes. Topics will include advanced and applied anatomy, emerging research for common diagnoses, and alternative assessments and treatments of atypical positional testing and/or BPPV findings. An overview of less prevalent vestibular related diagnoses including clinical presentations, examination findings, and treatment options will be discussed. This course will include didactic information, interactive labs, and case examples to practice examination and treatment for the complex and atypical vestibular patient.
Note: It is highly recommended that you attend Vestibular Rehabilitation I or an equivalent introductory course, and/or have a good understanding of foundational concepts in Vestibular Rehabilitation prior to attending this course.
Course Objectives:
After this course, PT/OT participants will be able to:
– Review the anatomy and physiology of the vestibular system as it applies to diagnosis and treatment
– Discuss updates and emerging treatment strategies for common vestibular diagnoses
– Introduce atypical presentations of positional testing and implications for treatment
– Assess and perform alternative treatment maneuvers for atypical BPPV variants
– Utilize patient specific symptoms to develop an individualized and comprehensive treatment plan by applying the best available evidence
– Instruct and implement interventions and treatment progressions using case examples
– Discuss clinical presentations, examination findings, and treatment options for less prevalent vestibular related diagnoses, including:
a. Central Vestibular Dysfunction
b. Meniere’s Disease
c. Vestibular Migraine
d. Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness
e. Cervicogenic Dizziness
f. Concussion