Course Description:
This course delivers evidence-based information for physical therapy management of patients with orthopaedic lower extremity conditions.
Course Objectives:
After completion of this course the participant will be able to:
• The participant will be able to identify the difference between normal and abnormal lower extremity biomechanics during the gait cycle
• The participant will be able to identify functional anatomy and regions where common dysfunctions occur
• The participant will be able to palpate lower extremity landmarks and identify subtalar neutral
• The participant will be able to prescribe orthotics and understand how to differentiate sneaker designs
• The participant will be able to go through a lower extremity biomechanical evaluation and identify clinically relevant strengthening and flexibility exercises
Intended Audience:
The information presented in this course is clinically relevant for licensed Physical Therapist (PT) designations only.
Disclaimer: Registrations from individuals with clinical designations not listed in the intended audience for this course may be subject to removal from the course roster without a full refund. See Brooks IHL Course Policies and Procedures for details. If you are unsure or have questions related to the intended audience, please email and we will be happy to help clarify!